Wednesday 13 February 2008

Anti - Anti - Prospectus

As I sit before you all, I can only sit beside myself

And endeavour in the silence of disparity, in dire hope,

With aspirations of even transient clarity.

As I stare, barrelled, down the shotgun of my pen, I seek a cold vengeance that only Words seem eager to provide.

I am warm again.

As I stand upon my stool, not is it but my pedestal of which you placed beneath,

‘Tis where I gain such views of splendour. Yet my blackened mouth where thoughts Project on a podium for a fool, directs it in the squalor.

As I listen from a distant land of opinion unquenched, the cracks upon the veneered Mask of which you bare show clear.

Extremities with which you gesticulate, unknown,

Your words are not of what you speak. Yet seen as the true vernacular is your prose, Proclaims to hoards of inbred thoughts.

Minds do flourish and unrelent, emitting form suede-toothed sycophants

And prostitute your intellect.

Please, please do, by all means opinionate, forever wary of the rancid coke line that Divides minds so obstinate.

The continual flow of discontent excretes from the pores. Having the power and the Virtue to dissolve,

I urinate on your commodities and on your shoes.

Break through the torso barrier clad in brown, fraught with intention unvarying, and Inflict ideals against the rest, unyield to the hungry, humbled Gestapo, and realise the Grandeur in the beating of your heart.

And now, free thinkers!

You are detached from them all and without them cannot exist,

So still we ponder,



Forever on our own.

Tuesday 12 February 2008

Ha ha ha..this sucks (Publication writing draft)

(Forgive me if i screw this up or put this in the wrong thread...ive never used blogger before! >.<)

Right, here's my bits of writing for the publication project. i read through some of the 2008 prospectus for the GAD course and tried to interpret the inner meaning, as it were. I really dont know if this is any good or not, there's meant to be some element of humour and sarcasm in there somewhere...somewhere...

Prospectus: What it really means
“Recognising that once discrete disciplines with graphic arts and design have now converged, this course offers the opportunity to engage with a broad range of activities within a single integrated course.”
We know that you have no idea what you want to do in the future and was forever ‘umming’ and ‘arring’ about which degree course to take. “I like photography…er but I like printmaking as well...and illustration is pretty cool”
Yes, we cater to the wishy-washy individuals whose broad range of activities also extend beyond the first year of the degree to a pavement outside a nightclub…which seems to have gone weirdly blurry for some reason.

“It promotes the cohabitation of ideas and process, encourages a culture of creative independence and supports the emergence of personal graphic language, producing creative thinkers and problem solvers.”
We want students to be able to learn from the things that they learn from the course in order to benefit you, the creative individual, in the future. If someone is ever stuck on how to approach making a peg doll in the future, you can inform the relevant stages with ease.
And don’t stand there looking shifty awaiting the next orders. Don’t wait for someone to tell you what the next stage is, create the stage…and perform to your ability! (or just don’t give yourself a 6 week holiday).

The diverse range of practise and process you can engage with are:
Animation - don’t expect to see daylight too often
Broadcast Graphics - You get to play around with ‘After Effects’
Illustration - For those who can draw (or in the case of ‘naïve style’ you can’t but somehow you make money from it)
Design for Print - It’s all about process
Web Design - an opportunity to learn how to show off your work to the World Wide Web.
Photography - so you can discard the disposable camera and learn to do it properly
Art Direction - Because it’s fun to boss people around
Advertising - for your inner manipulative streak
Traditional Print - So you can say you don’t spend all your time in front of a pixelated screen. Digital Imaging and Editing - It sounds technical when you say it to your parents.
Typography - Actions may speak louder than words, but typography speaks louder than plain text
Letter press - It just looks fun
Bookwork - Let’s face it, to have your work in the form of a book to show off to people does seem pretty cool in the long run.

Entry Requirements
Tariffs yadda yadda unit awards blah blah…A few GCSEs because we won’t just let anybody on the course… you’re special, did you know that?
Proof that you have hobbies and things to do in your spare time, for if for some reason after the 3 years you are unable to get a job or having great difficulty in doing so…you can always front an Indie band.

Things that you will learn in this first year of the course:
  1. How to work with other creative-minded people, get along with people and to share ideas
  2. That you don’t actually like people. You hate people, you despise the thought of having to share the same air as them and the course has only confirmed your suspicions.
  3. Different modules of different areas of art and design that you can experiment and try out.
  4. That you may NEVER go near a particular area of art of design again after being mentally scarred from trying it. But that’s okay, it’s a wide range course, you can do other things!
  5. How to approach an assignment with a creative response
  6. How to tear an outline of an elephant from a piece of paper with your eyes closed…or how you can’t and it actually looks like the love child of a rat and an aardvark.
  7. That being made to run from one end of the room to the other depending on preferences first thing in the morning will actually make sense later on.
  8. How to use different software and equipment
  9. How to sit through a seminar when you have a blank expression on your face when handed the signing in sheet.
  10. How to make the most of all the course has to offer.
  11. How to make sense of all the course has to offer
    All comments and opinions are greatly appreciated! ^_^b

Monday 4 February 2008


A Writing Club

Sometimes it's necessary to make decisions quickly, in the spur of the moment, so that the next stage, the doing, the activity can commence. As writing can be a solitary thing, needs only some kind of tool to create words pencil, pen, brush or fingers and a keyboard, the decision to base ourselves online seemed suddenly clear after abandoned attempts to meet on Thursday afternoons.
What to call our club? A club of false starts that needed immediate action; anti-precious of membership in the club spirit of our Graphics course; anti-precious of material, open, embracing of writing as a creative activity not confined to ˜writers" but open to anyone who wants to take part, spew their words publicly, collaborate in some exquisite corpse of text together; to generate words to play with visually; and finally to enjoy, poke fun at and play with words in the world.
Our name? From a casual discussion blah blah blah came to mind, but obviously it's obvious, been used and is already rife - bands, restaurants, galleries blah blah blah.
But one blah, a spurt of speech, a meaningless word but a primitive sound; with the exclamation mark it requires a decision and effort to ensure you project it accurately; almost a need to physically chuck out your chin, and feels disrespectful, un-English as it's carried out. (And our competition a DVD rental shop).
It also had a wry reference to the past as both a nod of the cap and a prod in the ribs to Blast, the Vorticist magazine led by Wyndham Lewis in 1914 to 1915. A British movement, Blast was ˜Aggressive, belligerent, sarcastic™, its ˜typography confrontational™, anti-tradition, combinations of capitals and lower case, using bold letters and words and ˜bold Latinate serif typeface that aggressively grabbed the reader's eye“ all potential for Blah! to use, steal, borrow.
or Blast embraced the explosive, likened themselves to a whirlpool at which the ˜heart is a silent place where the energy is concentrated™ and rejected Futurist ˜Marinetti's romanticised view of the machine, considering that the machine produced impersonal results that dehumanised the world™ (Heller, Stephen. Merz to Emigre and Beyond. Avant-Garde Magazine Design of the Twentieth Century. 2003. P45/46).
Well Blah! attempts to use the machine to engage in human activity and communication in a more purposeful way than Facebook! (Imagine with typographic drama)
But Blah! isn't 20th Century but 21st Century, it also desires the quiet, the considered, the playfulness of Apollinaire's calligrammes perhaps or some concrete poetry fun. Hah!
(Currently I am interested in the abuse of the semi-colon; and liberally and hopefully ungrammatical use of it here)

Monday 21 January 2008

Word of the week (academic week 15)

The word of the week shall be.....'Start'

  1. To begin an activity or a movement; set out.
  2. To have a beginning; commence.
  3. To move suddenly or involuntarily: started at the loud noise.
  4. To come quickly into view, life, or activity; spring forth.
  5. Sports. To be in the initial lineup of a game or race.
  6. To protrude or bulge.
  7. To become loosened or disengaged.
  1. To commence; begin.
  2. To set into motion, operation, or activity.
  3. To introduce; originate.
  4. Sports.
    1. To play in the initial lineup of (a game).
    2. To put (a player) into the initial lineup of a game.
    3. To enter (a participant) into a race or game.
  5. To found; establish: start a business.
  6. To tend in an early stage of development: start seedlings.
  7. To rouse (game) from its hiding place or lair; flush.
  8. To cause to become displaced or loosened.
    1. A beginning; a commencement.
    2. The beginning of a new construction project: an application for a building start.
  1. A place or time of beginning.
  2. Sports.
    1. A starting line for a race.
    2. A signal to begin a race.
    3. An instance of beginning a game or race: a pitcher who won his first five starts.
  3. A startled reaction or movement.
  4. A part that has become dislocated or loosened.
  5. A position of advantage over others, as in a race or an endeavor; a lead.
  6. An opportunity granted to pursue a career or course of action.

Hello Hello!

After a timid start to the writing club and much deliberation it's finally arrived - Blah!, the Graphic Arts and Design dedicated writing club blog. Why Blah! you ask...that's a story in itself, the history of which Liz will kindly detail for us in due time. Here we'll focus our attention on our love for literature, generate our own and share our inspirations with one another. Whether you write novels, short stories or poetry it's all actively encouraged and welcomed with open arms.

Why a blog?
Due to time constraints it's been proposed that we meet in the studio once a month (whilst maintaining the blog) to discuss the work we've been creating, the work we've been enjoying, any potential ideas anyone might have for new projects and ultimately putting forward suggestions regarding the book fair in a few months time.

Both Liz and myself have discussed the prospect of creating an ongoing story amongst ourselves contributing content whenever we feel like it. Whether its a sentence at a time, a paragraph or a page, it'll be great to have an amalgamation of the varied writing styles that everyone will have within the group.

Taken from the initial meeting, we've also decided to toy with the idea of responding through literature to a word a week. If anyone has any suggestions as to what a potential word of the week could be, don't hesitate to speak up.

There's plenty to be getting on with and so the following could be a mini agenda if you will -
  • Meet once a month. (Dates to be decided)
  • Generate ongoing story
  • Respond through text to the word of the week
  • Recommend texts to one another
  • Contemplate new briefs for us to undertake